The Problem
BioBrace® Porous Structure
42% Increase
In ACL Graft Volume14
BioBrace® Filled With New Tissue
180% Increase
In Rotator Cuff Tendon Thickness14
Rotator Cuff Augmentation Technique Videos

Get It in Writing
Our written surgical technique guide outlines simple, efficient ways to augment with BioBrace®. This includes on-lay augmentation of a single row repair, integrated augmentation of a double row repair, and more.
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1 Park JY, Lee JH, Oh KS, Chung SW, Choi Y, Yoon WY, Kim DW. Rotator cuff retear after repair surgery: comparison between experienced and inexperienced surgeons. Clin Shoulder Elb. 2021 Sep;24(3):135-140. doi: 10.5397/cise.2021.00073. Epub 2021 Sep 1. PMID: 34488293; PMCID: PMC8423529.
2 Rashid, M, C Cooper, J Cook, D Cooper, S Dakin, S Snelling, and A Carr. “Increasing Age and Tear Size Reduce Rotator Cuff Repair Healing Rate at 1 Year.” Acta Orthopaedica 88, no. 6 (2017): 606–11. 80/17453674.2017.1370844.
3 Neri, B, K Chan, and Y Kwon. “Management of Massive and Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears.” Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 18, no. 5 (2009): 808–18.
4 McCarron, J. A., Derwin, K. A., Bey, M. J., Polster, J. M., Schils, J. P., Ricchetti, E. T., & Iannotti, J. P. (2013). Failure with continuity in rotator cuff repair “healing”. The American journal of sports medicine, 41(1), 134–141.
5 Iannotti, J. P., Deutsch, A., Green, A., Rudicel, S., Christensen, J., Marraffino, S., & Rodeo, S. (2013). Time to failure after rotator cuff repair: a prospective imaging study. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 95(11), 965–971.
6 Ponce, B. A., Hosemann, C. D., Raghava, P., Tate, J. P., Sheppard, E. D., & Eberhardt, A. W. (2013). A biomechanical analysis of controllable intraoperative variables affecting the strength of rotator cuff repairs at the suture-tendon interface. The American journal of sports medicine, 41(10), 2256–2261.
7 Longo, U.G., Carnevale, A., Piergentili, I. et al. Retear rates after rotator cuff surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 22, 749 (2021).
8 Bushnell, B. D., Connor, P. M., Harris, H. W., Ho, C. P., Trenhaile, S. W., & Abrams, J. S. (2022). Two-year outcomes with a bioinductive collagen implant used in augmentation of arthroscopic repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears: final results of a prospective multicenter study. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, 31(12), 2532–2541. jse.2022.05.025
9 Zhang, T., Ajayi, A., Hajjar, M., Fleckenstein, C. M., Nolan, J., & Hasan, S. S. (2023). Arthroscopic Repair of Retracted Large and Massive Rotator Cuff Tears with and without Augmentation with a Bio-Inductive Collagen Implant Reveals Substantial and Comparable Clinical Improvement. Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery, S0749-8063(23)00868-X. Advance online publication. 1.
10 Snyder, S. J., Arnoczky, S. P., Bond, J. L., & Dopirak, R. (2009). Histologic evaluation of a biopsy specimen obtained 3 months after rotator cuff augmentation with GraftJacket Matrix. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association, 25(3), 329–333.
11 Carter, AJ, V Lovric, P Morberg, J Ott, J Bendigo, J Komenda, M Aronson, K Rocco, S Arnoczky, and WR Walsh. 2021. “Characterization of a Novel BioInductive Biocomposite Scaffold for Tendon and Ligament Healing.” Presented at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2021 Annual Meeting; February 12-16, 2021, Virtual.
12 Walsh, WR, AJ Carter, V Lovric, J Crowley, D Wills, T Wang, G Kanski, R Stanton, S Arnoczky, and R Arciero. 2021. “TissueEngineered Augmentation of A Rotator Cuff Tendon Using A Novel Bio-Inductive Biocomposite Scaffold: A Preliminary Study In Sheep.” Presented at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2021 Annual Meeting; February 12-16, 2021, Virtual.
13 Based on internal test data.
14 Based on preclinical animal data.