World Health Day: Health for All

  • Published: 4/7/2024

Every year on April 7th we celebrate a global health awareness day, World Health Day. Commemorating the founding of the World Health Organization, this day more importantly brings awareness and attention to global health and any issues surrounding it.

Each year, a theme is selected to highlight a specific area of public health concern in the world. Past themes include Our Planet, Our Health (2022), Support Nurses and Midwifes (2020), and Health for All: Everyone, Everywhere (2019).

This year, the World Health Organization chose the theme My Health, My Right in an effort to bring attention to the threat millions of people are facing when it comes to health, whether it be from disasters, disease, or conflicts.

The WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All has found that at least 140 countries recognize health as a human right in their constitution; however, many countries are not putting into practice laws to ensure the population can access health services.

This year’s theme was chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and information. 

The 76th anniversary is also an opportunity to look back and recognize public health successes that have contributed to improving quality of life. 

From the discovery of antibiotics to the establishment of the first international health regulations, to the eradication of smallpox to the UN declaration on universal health coverage, huge steps have been taken in working towards a better and healthier life for all.

Whether it comes to protecting HCPs or improving patient outcomes, CONMED is proud to promote world health.

To learn more about World Health Day, click here.