Over the span of four days, healthcare professionals who attended the 2024 AOSSM annual conference in Denver, CO traveled from booth to booth in the industry exhibit area where they were able interact with different technology and attend industry sponsored medical education events.
However, one event in particular seemed to grab people’s attention; CONMED’s 30-minute live surgical demonstration brought in nearly 70 audience participants and it was standing room only!
David Flanigan, MD, Clinical Professor of Orthopedics, The Ohio State University, Wexner Medical Center, and Amit Momaya, Chief of Sports Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, hosted a live surgery demonstrating “Advanced Solutions for Complex Knee Injuries: Soft Tissue Augmentation with BioBrace® and Cartilage Repair with CartiMax®.”
Dr. Momaya highlighted several CONMED Sports Medicine products in his demonstration, including BioBrace® for both the MCL repair and ACL reconstruction. He used TruShot® for femoral fixation and Argo Knotless® GENESYS® for tibial fixation in the MCL repair, and the Infinity™ Femoral Adjustable Loop Button and GENESYS® Matryx® Interference Screws in the ACL reconstruction.
During the surgical demonstration, Dr. Momaya spoke to the audience about his experience utilizing BioBrace® for strengthening knee repairs, with Dr. Flanigan as moderator. BioBrace® is a biologic scaffold that facilitates and optimizes healing and provides supplemental strength through load sharing1,2.
He continued showing the group how easy it is to incorporate BioBrace® into different graft constructs such as quad tendon with bone block and BTB.
BioBrace® stole the show when Dr. Flanigan dipped a sample into red wine, and then water, showing how BioBrace® wicks and absorbs liquid.
For a quick 30-minute demonstration, BioBrace® did NOT disappoint.
Then came CartiMax®, a viable cartilage allograft that is reshaping the future of cartilage repair.
The emphasis was around the characteristics of CartiMax®. The amount of cartilage available in each kit is enough to fill a 5cm2 lesion.
CartiMax® is a one-step solution that demonstrates stable viability up to two years post-cryopreservation3 while still maintaining optimal handling properties.
If you were unable to make CONMED’s live surgical demonstration hosted by Dr. Flanigan and Dr. Momaya, you can watch similar ACL, MCL, and Cartilage Repair surgical techniques here.
LEARN MORE about the products and procedures from AOSSM by visiting BioBrace® and CartiMax®.
1 K203267 – 510(k) Clearance Letter - The BioBrace® Implant
2 Based on preclinical animal data
3 Data on File, MTF Biologics.