Shoulder Arthroscopy

Whether treating athletes or grandparents, you need to get your patient back to movement and life quickly and easily. Let’s optimize your technique with efficient solutions that can plug right into your current procedure. 


Rotator Cuff Repair

Argo Knotless™ and Y-Knot® anchors headline a strong portfolio for single and double row repairs

argo knotless suture anchor angled right showing suture

Rotator Cuff Augmentation

Surgeons who use a biologic scaffold for massive cuff tears are achieving higher success rates while still preserving the joint.1,2

flat allopatch hd accellular human dermis

Superior Capsular Reconstruction

Argo Knotless™ and Y-Knot® anchors combine with Allopatch HD® to reconstruct the superior capsule

argo knotless suture anchor angled right showing suture

PASTA Repair

No matter your anchor preference, we have multiple techniques for partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion

y knot pro flex with black handle and white sutures


Biceps Tenodesis

Multiple techniques for subpec, suprapec, & more, using anchors such as TenoLok® and Y-Knot® Flex

full product shot of tenolok showing handle and tip


Labral Repair

SLAP and Bankart instability procedures using Y-Knot® Flex All-Suture, PopLok® Knotless, and PressFT™ options

y knot pro flex with black handle and white sutures


Y-Knot® RC All-Suture Anchor is a solution for treating anterior shoulder instability in patients with large Hills-Sachs lesions

y knot pro rc all suture anchor with black handle angled left

Let Us Cover Your Entire Procedure, Start to Finish

Barber FA, Burns JP, Deutsch A, Labbé MR, Litchfield RB.. A prospective, randomized evaluation of acellular human dermal matrix augmentation for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Arthroscopy. 2012 Jan;28(1):8-15. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2011.06.038. Epub 2011 Oct 5.
Agrawal, V. Healing rates for challenging rotator cuff tears utilizing an acellular human dermal reinforcement graft.Int J Shoulder Surg. 2012 Apr;6(2):36-44. doi: 10.4103/0973-6042.96992.